What a joy! After two years with special restrictions, we are excited to announce that our club will host a Wado-kai Technical Seminar and Dan Examination in May 2022. We will have the honor and pleasure to train with Sensei M. Shinohara (8th Dan JKF Wado-Kai and 1st Kyu Examiner), Sensei N. Foster (7th Dan JKF Wado-Kai and 2nd Kyu Examiner), Sensei B. Nash (7th Dan JKF Wado-Kai and 2nd Kyu Examiner), Sensei P. Stoddart (6th Dan JKF Wado-Kai and 2nd Kyu Examiner), and Sensei B. Welch (5th Dan JKF Wado-Kai and 3rd Kyu Examiner).The seminar will take place in Calgary from May 20 to 23, 2022. May 23 will be reserved for 1st – 5th Dan exams. We are looking forward to welcoming you!
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